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Working Towards Healthier Tomorrow – Prevention Education

We are an innovative and recognised platform that shared information about counselling tips for Abuse Prevention, Tobacco Prevention, Bullying Prevention and Delinquency Prevention. We collaborate with many partners to make a healthier tomorrow for all the residents of India. We believe in informing and educating people to work towards a fitter and better community.

The Need For Prevention Education In India

Tobacco, bullying and even juvenile delinquency are just some of the areas that people need to be educated about, right now. Each one these have multiple and devastating effects on a community as a whole. Tobacco causes cancers and some damage to nearly every organ in the human body. With consequences like this, it becomes imperative that preventive steps be taken. Educating adults about the dangers of smoking and tobacco is one such method.

We cannot stress enough about the value of preventive steps when it comes to abuse, tobacco or delinquencies in children.

Don’t delay to know more about the importance of Prevention Education.

Various Prevention Education

Abuse Prevention

Abuse Prevention

It is estimated that five children die per day because of abuse or neglect. Almost every ten seconds there is a report of child abuse. Stop your child or someone else’s kid from becoming a statistic. Be aware of how you need to care for a child. Be mindful of what you can do in instances of abuse.

Tobacco Prevention

Tobacco Prevention

People who smoke are always at risk of getting cancer, heart disease or lung disease. The sad part is that people who don’t smoke are also affected due the danger of second-hand smoke. Stop the 21st century from being known as the time Tobacco killed one billion people. Be preventive.

Bullying Prevention

Bullying Prevention

A kid learns what he is taught. Teach your child about bullying. Tell them it is not acceptable and the wrong thing to do. Make a child aware that s/he can ask for help at anytime and anyplace. Open all channels of communication between you and your children. Be aware.

Delinquency Prevention

Delinquency Prevention

Juvenile delinquency is considered to be antisocial behaviour. It is generally beyond the control of parents, therefore is subject to legal action. The good news is that preventing delinquency is the responsibility of schools, parents, non-profit organisations and even governmental agencies which makes it easier to tackle. Be prepared.

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Prevention Tips

We know to discover that your child is being bullied is stressful. But the first tip we give all guardians and parents, in such cases, is to remain calm. Do not jump to your own conclusions and don’t make any assumptions. Your child might already be worried and embarrassed about telling you the incident. You being incommunicable can make them even more scared. The next tip to parents is to find things and activities that make the child feel confident and happy. Find ways to relax the child and build back the lost confidence.

When it comes to cyber-bullying, the best tip is to take preventive measures and teach the child how to be safe when online. Remember, communication is key. Keep all channels through which your child can talk to you open. On the other front, report any bullying that occurs consistently to the concerned authorities..