How To Prevent Bullying In Schools
April 16, 2018
Importance Of Tobacco Prevention Program For Teenagers
April 23, 2018If you are a caretaker in a foster care facility, then you would be already aware of the importance of delinquency prevention. In general, the children under foster care tend to show lots of positive and courageous behaviour, which is a good thing. However, they are also having more chances of getting into negative behaviour. As a caretaker, you have lots of responsibility to control the negative or bad behaviour of the children under your care. In this article, we will provide suggestions and tips on controlling the delinquency.
Delinquency is a criminal act that is committed by the teens of below 16. Crime such as using drugs, damage other’s properties, inflicting physical harm on someone is some of the examples of a delinquent act. Committing delinquent act makes the teen get involved in school drop out and juvenile justice system, which could create huge create deep inflicting mental trauma. Since delinquency causes lots of problems to the individual and society, delinquency prevention should be enforced strictly as much as possible. There are four risk factors that could result in delinquent behaviour among the youth.
Individual risk factors include lack of cognitive development, emotional imbalance and hyperactivity. Family risk factors include incidents such as maltreatment or neglect, teenage parenthood, poverty, divorce, large family size and single-parent family.
Peer risk factors include getting mingled with bad peers or getting neglected by the peers. Being part of delinquent peer groups is the biggest risk factor.
School and community risk factors include poor in academics, low school attendance, befriending with delinquent wards.
You should also keep in mind that the existence of risk factors does not mean that youth will become delinquent. You should take enough steps and measures to prevent the youth becoming delinquent. If you find that your child or ward has more risk of becoming delinquent, then you should follow the below discussed measures.
You should connect with your child and communicate and build a strong relationship with him or her. Parents and caretaker should create a supportive environment to their teens. It is important for the parents to listen to their problems and address them immediately as possible.
As an elder, you should explain what is right and wrong to your child in a friendly manner. Trying to discipline the child in an unruly or harsh manner would lead to bad consequences.
Children who had experienced mental trauma are like to show unruly behaviour. As a caretaker or elder, you should teach the child how to manage the behavior on their own.
Teenage children especially during their adolescent period, they tend to show kind of aggressive and delinquent behaviour. This happens due to changes in the hormones. Elders should teach their kids about the adolescent nature and how to deal with it appropriately.
Elders and parents should be watchful on their children. It is important to know where the children are spending their time and the group of people they regularly have contact.
Good thing is that delinquent behaviour is not something that cannot be prevented. With proper counselling and support delinquency can be curbed.
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